Friday, February 18, 2011

Tinted Moisturizer for Spring & Summer

Tinted Moisturizer is a great accessory for spring and summer months. If you don't want to wear a a heavy foundation during humid months, then this is all you need. It provides a sheer tinted coverage, and gives a nice natural glow to the skin. It is especially great if you are a mom on the go, or don't have a lot of time to get ready in the morning. I am currently using Chanel's Tinted Moisturizer, and it has been working out great. It has an SPF 15, and it provides great hydration. It is really important that you apply it evenly so it doesn't leave streaks, I use a foundation brush or Mac's small duo fibre face brush. A downside, is that is expensive. It retails for $62, and it only comes in three colors!

Another option is from Lancome, called Bienfait Multi-Vital Teinté. My best friend uses this one, and she looks amazing. I am still waiting on my samples to give it a try myself. It is 30 SPF, which is good for summer months, and it provides a flawless finish. It comes in four different shades, and retails for $45.

Philosophy makes Hope in a Tinted Moisturizer, and I am really excited about trying this one. Everyone can go to your local Sephora, and ask for samples of this one. It retails for $38, and comes in six different shades.
Here are some features and benefits, via there website. It provides sheer color, and SPF 20 to hydrate, revive, and protect skin, leaving it fresh hydrated and radiant.

* 4-in-1, multitasking formula combines sheer color + moisture + antioxidants
* lightweight texture glorifies all skin types
* airless pump dispenses the perfect dose

Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Secret Weapon - Coconut Oil

I was first introduced to Coconut Oil, when I was pregnant. I started rubbing all over my tummy, to prevent stretch marks. I still believe it worked!! I know that they say all the oils and lotions can't prevent stretch marks, but I believe Later on I realized how soft and great my skin looked so I started using all over, even on my face. It gives a nice radiant glow, and soaks right in. It does not cause pimples, or anything like that. I have read about the healing benefits of Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, and it seems to be a wonder drug. Now the kind you get is important! It must be Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, that is unrefined. It usually comes in a glass jar, and it is a solid at room temp. I bought a small glass bottle from the heath food store, with a dropper. You would actually want to melt some of the CO down first and they put it inside the bottle.

It can be used for a variety of ways, but I love to use it on my body. I have replaced my lotion with CO, and I have seen a dramatic difference in my skin. My skin has a radiant glow, and the lines and wrinkles are less defined. It is also supposed to help create a barrier for your skin, while controlling bacteria. I love the fact that it is a natural anti-aging cream. I have seen more results from this oil, than I have spending all the money on expensive creams that just don't work!

You can also mix this oil with Organic Sugar, or Sea Salts for a nice scrub. I love the scrub in the shower, it leaves you skin feeling like silk.

It really helps with dry skin issues as well. My son had a small patch of mild eczema starting to form, and I rubbed the oil all over his legs after bath, and it went away with in a week. IT is all natural and safe for your little one. It doesn't have all the chemicals that most commercial moisturizers have.

Finally, your hair. Now if you have really dry or damaged hair or just want to replenish your locks this stuff works wonders. I put it directly in my hair, mostly at the ends and let it set for about an hour. I then continue my hair routine of shampoo and conditioner. It really helps in between cuts, especially if you are like me, and it has been awhile since you have had your ends snipped! I have also experimented this with my sons hair, and the first time it worked great, but the second time I put too much on and didn't get it rinsed out all the way. The key is not using too much product. A little bit of this stuff goes a long way, and it needs to be rinsed out thoroughly.

So now go get your Coconut on!! Let me know what you think!

Friday, February 11, 2011

Bi-Racial Hair

Whatever your child may be mixed with, it is important to start their hair care routine early. As you know being bi-racial means that your hair-type is more than likely different from the mother or father, it could be a multitude of variations. What I have learned throughout my research, is that it helps to classify your child's hair, to determine the best route of action. Meaning that the curls are broken down to curl type. My son has 3b on top, and 3c in the back. So caring for his hair might differ from someone who has, 2a or 4a hair. I have been trying a variety of products and methods and I have seen a dramatic difference in his hair.

Initially I was only using Aveeno Shampoo, and a product called Curl Calmer. The product was great in the beginning as it calmed his hair, and it is all natural. However, as you know the hair changes, so I needed to modify his routine. I did some research, and reached out to other mothers to see what their routines looked like. I soon realized that I needed to get ahead of the game before his hair would be out of control. I now use some products from Curly Q, which is an organic line. They have a kids line, and it can be purchased online. I absolutely love the leave-in conditioner and the Coconut Dream Conditioner, they both work wonderfully. I also started co-washing, which is not using shampoo but conditioner only to wash the hair, that really helps control the frizz, and keep the hair from drying out. I recently have converted the the no-poo method, which is no shampoo at all. I am using a rinse once every other week of 2TBS Apple Cider Vinegar, 1TBS Honey, and 2 cups of warm water.

Now onto the styling products. I use Carol Daughter's Hair Milk Lite, it helps control frizz, and define the curls after you spray the hair with leave-in. I also use a product from Curl Junkie, called Coco Coffee Cream Lite. This product is a nice styling cream, that I use after the leave-in and combed out. It helps define the curls, and gives a great hold that last all day. The smell is the only thing that bothers me, it is strong and really sweet. Lastly, I use Curl Junkie, Curls in a Bottle, after co-washes 3 days a week. This helps set and define the curls. IT can also be added to your styling product for extra frizz control. Just be sure to not use too much, as it can leave flakes. Smells like cream soda to me!! :)

A snapshot at our routine. Sunday, Wed, Fridays he gets co-wash with Coconut Dream Conditioner, which is combed out with a WIDE TOOTH COMB (your best friend), a little leave-in, and then Curls in a Bottle. Every other Wed, I do the ACV rinse after his co-wash. Every morning, I spray his hair with leave-in, comb out, then apply a styling cream to define the curls.

I hope this helps, and if you have any questions please feel free to ask!

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Introduction and Purpose

I wanted to start a blog to share my experiences as a wife, mother, and an individual. I wanted to provide content that would capture a wide, yet narrow audience. I have an inter-racial family unit, and I wanted to share my processes along the way. I am of a white (Caucasian) decent, with mixes of German, Irish, and the rest is yet to be determined. My husband is black (African-American), with mixes of European/French. Our son is obviously a blended beauty, and words can’t describe how wonderful he truly is. Our journey has not been a smooth process, but we are working things out, like the rest of married couples, single mothers & fathers, relationships, etc.

Mr. Gavin decided he wanted to come ahead of the plans for mommy and daddy, but that was okay in our book. We initially had a big extravaganza planned, and partly paid for, but with the unforeseen events, we had to alter our primary plans. We had set the date for June 6, 2009, but Gav, was due in July. I did not want to have the baby and then get married, and I didn’t want to be a big prego bride either. What a dilemma! We chose option C, get married before the baby comes, and before I was a huge whale!! LOL

We married December 31, 2008, New Years Eve!! It was a glorious occasion, one filled with snowy white winters, and brisk winds. I could have only wished one thing to be different, that we would have included our closest friends and family. At the time, we really wanted an intimate ceremony, but in retrospect, we should have done things differently. Since I coordinated everything via email and the internet, I did not have high expectations of the actual location. I was completely blown away, by the degree of service we received at Richmond Hill Inn. It was a remarkable experience, and I highly recommend everyone to go to Ashville, NC at least once. The Biltmore House is breathtaking, and it is surrounded by rich history, that you can visualize.

After Gav was born, I decided to be a Stay-at-Home Mother. It has been a whimsical experience, filled with ups and downs. A snapshot glimpse of those months, will tell you that there is no handbook, or “how to be a mother book” that can prepare you for motherhood. You have to learn by experience, and that is the best way I can put it. During all of those months of nurturing, I forgot one fundamental thing, how to nurture myself. Women struggle with trying to find a balance of working, being a mother, and a wife. There is always going to be a segment that gets neglected. I have decided above all else, it was time for me to do something for me. I knew that my time as a stay-at-home mother was nearing, and it was time to figure out my goals, and career aspirations. I have decided to finish my pre-requisites for Nursing. I already hold a Bachelors of Science in Business Administration/Marketing, but I have found that path to be a dead end with our current economic state. It is going to take some hard work, dedication, and diligence to get me where I want to be, but I am confident that everything will work out.

In the meantime, I want to provide my readers with useful tips, on how women can juggle going back to school, being a mother, wife, etc. I want to encompass tips on how to raise a bi-racial child. Natural Skincare, Beauty tips, Recipes, and much much more!! If I can at least help one person, then I know that this blog was well worth my time! Enjoy and stay tuned!

Love Brooksy