Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Secret Weapon - Coconut Oil

I was first introduced to Coconut Oil, when I was pregnant. I started rubbing all over my tummy, to prevent stretch marks. I still believe it worked!! I know that they say all the oils and lotions can't prevent stretch marks, but I believe Later on I realized how soft and great my skin looked so I started using all over, even on my face. It gives a nice radiant glow, and soaks right in. It does not cause pimples, or anything like that. I have read about the healing benefits of Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, and it seems to be a wonder drug. Now the kind you get is important! It must be Organic Virgin Coconut Oil, that is unrefined. It usually comes in a glass jar, and it is a solid at room temp. I bought a small glass bottle from the heath food store, with a dropper. You would actually want to melt some of the CO down first and they put it inside the bottle.

It can be used for a variety of ways, but I love to use it on my body. I have replaced my lotion with CO, and I have seen a dramatic difference in my skin. My skin has a radiant glow, and the lines and wrinkles are less defined. It is also supposed to help create a barrier for your skin, while controlling bacteria. I love the fact that it is a natural anti-aging cream. I have seen more results from this oil, than I have spending all the money on expensive creams that just don't work!

You can also mix this oil with Organic Sugar, or Sea Salts for a nice scrub. I love the scrub in the shower, it leaves you skin feeling like silk.

It really helps with dry skin issues as well. My son had a small patch of mild eczema starting to form, and I rubbed the oil all over his legs after bath, and it went away with in a week. IT is all natural and safe for your little one. It doesn't have all the chemicals that most commercial moisturizers have.

Finally, your hair. Now if you have really dry or damaged hair or just want to replenish your locks this stuff works wonders. I put it directly in my hair, mostly at the ends and let it set for about an hour. I then continue my hair routine of shampoo and conditioner. It really helps in between cuts, especially if you are like me, and it has been awhile since you have had your ends snipped! I have also experimented this with my sons hair, and the first time it worked great, but the second time I put too much on and didn't get it rinsed out all the way. The key is not using too much product. A little bit of this stuff goes a long way, and it needs to be rinsed out thoroughly.

So now go get your Coconut on!! Let me know what you think!

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